Laramie Wrongful Death Attorney

Laramie Wrongful Death Lawyer

Nothing can prepare you for the loss of a loved one, especially when it is unexpected. You’re left without someone who’s always been there for you, and often you’re left with medical bills or other expenses connected to your loved one’s accident or medical care before their death.

Most states allow the victim’s surviving family to begin a wrongful death claim, however, some states require an appointed representative to file on the family’s behalf. If you or someone you know has lost a loved one in a sudden accident, reaching out to Edwards Law Office, P.C. is your best course of action.

Each Laramie wrongful death lawyer in our law office is sympathetic and experienced. They’ve all have helped families just like yours across Wyoming and we’re ready to take some stress off of your shoulders during this difficult time. Let’s meet for a complimentary consultation to discuss your rights to file a wrongful death or survival action in some effort to seek justice for what happened.

Accidents That Commonly Cause Preventable Deaths

Data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) shows that accidents are one of the leading causes of death. In Wyoming, for example, accidents were listed as the third leading cause of death, with heart disease and cancer as the first and second causes.

Some of the most common accidents that can lead to fatalities include, but aren’t limited to:

It’s important to understand that any accident can result in a fatality, and no matter the cause of your loved one’s death, you or other surviving family may be eligible to pursue a wrongful death lawsuit with the help of a Laramie attorney.

Proving a Wrongful Death Claim

In situations where there is a sudden loss of life, the decedent’s family can pursue a lawsuit against the responsible party, however, these cases are rarely straightforward. Wrongful death claims can become complex and difficult as certain elements must be proven in order to further legal action. Those elements are:

  • That the responsible party had a duty of care to the victim, that is they had an expectation, legal or otherwise, to act in a safe and responsible manner so as not to cause harm to others.
  • That the responsible party somehow breached that duty of care by acting carelessly or failing to provide adequate security to keep the victim safe.
  • That the responsible party’s reckless actions caused the victim’s injuries and eventual death.
  • That the victim’s death resulted in financial or other losses to the claimant (i.e., the decedent’s family).

All of these elements must be proven in order for you to continue your wrongful death claim. If you are unsure if the details of your case meet the elements of negligence, or if you have any other questions, your Laramie wrongful death lawyer can help.

What Damages Are Possible in a Wrongful Death Lawsuit?

According to Wyoming Statute Title 1 Chapter 38, if an individual dies because of a wrongful act, neglect, or default that would have entitled the deceased to pursue compensation had they lived, their family members such as a spouse, children, or parents can file a wrongful death lawsuit. If you and your family decide to pursue a lawsuit, you could receive compensation for the following:

  • Medical bills
  • Funeral and burial costs
  • Property damage
  • Loss of companionship
  • Loss of consortium
  • Loss of income and future earnings
  • Emotional distress
  • Pain and suffering

Even though someone else’s mistake or reckless action caused the untimely death of your loved one, that doesn’t mean you should have to suffer. You are legally allowed to pursue compensation from those responsible and our law office is here to help make the process easier for you while you grieve.

Why You Should Hire a Wrongful Death Lawyer in Laramie, WY

The last thing you should worry about when dealing with the sudden loss of a loved one is filing a lawsuit and all the details surrounding it. When you hire Edwards Law Office, P.C., you can focus on spending time with your family during this grieving process while your attorney handles your case.

Our legal team has the experience necessary to:

  • Investigate the details of your claim, including verifying the cause of your loved one’s death, speaking with witnesses, etc.
  • Build your case by gathering all the evidence they have collected.
  • Negotiate a settlement with the at-fault party to ensure you receive fair compensation.
  • Move forward with litigation by taking your case to trial if necessary.

Reach out to our office today and see how a Laramie wrongful death lawyer can assist you and your family during this difficult time and guide you through this process. We know that nothing can bring your loved one back, but our understanding attorneys can help you receive some financial comfort while you grieve the loss of your loved one.

Contact Us Today!

(307) 883-2222

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