Dangers for Wyoming Oil Field Workers

There are many dangerous occupations out there, working in the oil field being one of the top contenders. Between the years of 2003 and 2013, the yearly fatality rate among oil field workers was about 25.1 per 100,000. Wyoming is also #8 on the list of states with the most oil fields, making it a prominent career choice among Wyomingites. So what are some of the most common dangers for oil field workers, and what precautions can they take to increase safety on the job?

Motor Vehicle Collision in Wyoming

Vehicle wrecks are the most common type of accident for oil field workers, and the leading cause of death. In fact, the oil and gas industry has a motor vehicle death rate of 28%, making it the 2nd second-highest among all other occupations.

The majority of these accidents are single-vehicle crashes, like overturning and jackknifing (when the trailer of a semi swing around into the truck, resembling a pocket knife being closed up), followed by onsite collisions between workers, running into stationary objects, and occasionally crashes at an intersection, or with another vehicle traveling in the same direction.

So how can we lower this unfortunate rate? Bringing awareness would be a good place to start. Many of the reasons listed for these crashes were due to speeding, loss of control, driver error, and falling asleep behind the wheel, all of which could decrease by simply bringing awareness to the issue. Employees should also be trained on motor vehicle safety, up to date on all requirements to operate the vehicle (licenses, certifications, etc.), and should have vehicle inspections done regularly.

Accidents on Machinery- Oil Fields

One of the other main causes of death or injury to oil field workers is being harmed by equipment. On many occasions, employees have been caught in, caught between, or struck by devices onsite. In most cases, these accidents are preventable.

Oftentimes these situations happen because a worker goes unnoticed. It’s important to have the employees dressed in clothing that stands out so they can be easily seen. Workers should also be up to date on all safety procedures, and be mindful of their surroundings and coworkers.

Fires and explosions on Oil Fields

This is probably the accident that most of us think of when we hear about oil field injuries, and reasonably so. When working on an oil rig, employees are in contact with many flammable gases and vapors. While not as common as the previous two accidents, there is still a very real risk of this unfortunate event every time they step foot onto the field.

The best way to address this type of accident is to prepare beforehand. Knowing the course of action if such an event were to take place, and being physically ready as well with protective clothing. There are many fire-resistant uniforms designed for oil and gas workers – this includes head-to-toe coverage, and an optional, (but recommended), respirator to prevent inhalation of harmful fumes. Even though it may seem like a hassle, full uniform and safety gear should be on every day of work.


While it’s not the main cause of death or injury to oil field workers, falls do happen across this industry, as well as many others. Falls are very common, but they’re also very preventable.

On the oil field, there are many tall structures that employees have to work on during their shifts. It only takes one little slip or stumbles, and there’s no turning back. The best thing to do in these instances is to wear a certified safety harness with an anchor that absorbs energy from the fall and prevents the worker from hitting the ground.

Confined Spaces

A less likely, but still very possible risk for oil field workers is being injured in a confined space. It’s not necessarily getting trapped in one, but being exposed to harmful fumes and gases. Many of these gases are odorless and tasteless, making it more difficult to detect them until it’s too late.

Once again, the best safety measure that can be taken is a preventative one. Wearing masks that can detect harmful airborne substances is the best way to keep workers from succumbing to them. That, and just always being mindful of the possibilities, and how they’re feeling physically while working in these confined spaces.

Staying Safe in a Dangerous Work Environment

There are certainly many dangers when working in an oil field, or any other job in the oil and gas industry. That number has been decreasing a bit over the years, but it is still much too high. However, the good news is that we can keep driving that number down. By bringing awareness and using proper training, safety plans, protocols, and precautions, we can make the oil field a much safer working environment for employees and those living in the surrounding areas.

If you find yourself or a loved one hurt due to an injury from working in an oil field, please contact us!
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